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Lirik Lagu Mr.HeadBox - Young

Mr.HeadBox - Young Lirik

Young we will never be old we're young
living in the moment where no one
ever gonna understand us we are...

Young like an eagle we'll fly beyond
through the mountains where there's no one
ever gonna find us we are... we can make everything feels so right
do things that forbidden break the rules
and do what we like
party invitations always there in every night
let us feel the youth because we won't ever
get it twice...

Young we can party all night til dawn
dancing tirelessly with our song
there's nobody can stop us we are...

young show the wild things inside us
run no need to hide a thing you'll be fine
just live your days as you like because
we are... we can make everything feels so right
do things that forbidden break the rules
and do what we like
party invitations always there in every night
let us feel the youth because we won't ever
get it twice...

Young like an eagle we'll fly beyond
through the mountains where there's no one
ever gonna find us we are... we can make everything feels so right
do things that forbidden break the rules
and do what we like
party invitations always there in every night
let us feel the youth because we won't ever
get it twice...

Profil Mr. HeadBox
Layaknya DJ internasional yang memakai topeng atau penutup wajah untuk menyembunyikan wajah mereka, Mr. HeadBox merupakan seorang penyanyi yang sedang ramai diperbincangkan netizen tanah air. Dari hasil penelusuran, Mr. HeadBox berdomisili di Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. Suaranya yang indah seperti penyanyi - penyanyi internasional dengan alunan musik berbagai nada mengalun dengan cantik dan rapi. Kali ini dia tampil dengan lagu yang berjudul Young, karya Mr HeadBox sendiri


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